Why should universities more consciously prepare their students for globalization?

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I have graduated from my university in Australia as an international student 4 years ago. It was my personal intention to transfer to an international education after studying 2 years in one of the top institutions in Beijing. Looking back, … Read More

Activate Yourself (QUIZ)

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Leadership is complicated stuff, and there is no perfect definition. How can you know when you’re a good leader? You can always examine your results, but what if those results, even if they are good, are just a result of … Read More

Too Young To Achieve Anything?

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We’ve all heard the story. A young guy from Seattle spends all his free time in front of a computer screen. He goes to university, but he’s more interested in computers than the courses he’s taking. The young man ends … Read More

It’s Never Too Late

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Take a minute to think about the last time you made a mistake. Remember how angry you felt, at yourself and at the world? How bitter it was that even though you tried again, even though you put yourself out … Read More

We do not wish for peace.

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The earliest memory of the notion of ‘Peace’ comes about the image of a woman smiling bright at a beauty pageant host as he asks her: “What do you wish for?” and she says “World peace.” The audience applauds loud … Read More

Benefits of a global learning environment

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In today’s globalized world companies are becoming more international, and there is also a higher need for people who know how to act in a multicultural environment. Training people to work in a multicultural environment is both timely, costly, and … Read More

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