How can organisations contribute to the skill development process of young people?

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More often than not young people feel under prepared after graduating and then moving through their first job and hands on experience into doing something practical. It is because of the gap in the knowledge and experience that can prepare … Read More

Still studying? Most likely your job will not require a degree

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As graduation day is becoming closer and closer, I can’t but wonder if I will find a job, or better yet, a job in my field. But the statistics aren’t very positive. According to Accenture’s U.S. college graduate employment research, 51% … Read More

5 Tips on Movies about Travel and Self-Awareness

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Movies have the potential to make us think about life and even change our perspective on the way we are living. Besides the entertainment, watching a movie can inspire you to search for new experiences. We gathered 5 tips on … Read More

Reasons for high employee turnover with the youth

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Companies around the globe are facing high employee turnover, especially among the youth. But what are the possible reasons behind this? High employee turnover can be due to the youth leaving their current company because they have found a better … Read More

Frappuccino with Leadership please – extra Values on top

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Our world is facing a lot of issues at the moment. I know, alert the media. Everyone already knows, right? Well judging by our actions, it wouldn’t seem that way. Wars are waged, people are dying from starvation or disease, … Read More

Health Is a Right — Not a Privilege

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My name is Mariana Lainfiesta. I am currently living in Guatemala City, Guatemala. As a psychology intern at Hospital General San Juan de Dios, I give workshops once a month about health. Throughout my six months working here, I’ve come … Read More

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