You’re never too young to save the world

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They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That all efforts matter; but in an era of speed, development and growth, it’s easy to forget how important each and every one of our actions … Read More

The Beauty of Beginnings

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We grow up taught to be afraid of beginnings; of everything new, of the unknown. We are told that it sure is worth starting fresh, but that it’s going to be hard and painful. Somewhere along the road to maturity, … Read More

Don’t Speak, Listen!

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Communication isn’t something we usually give much thought to, we don’t practice how to talk to our friends or business partners, we don’t research on how to improve it. But being good at communication will improve your relationships and good … Read More

Multiculturalism and Cultural Integration at the Workplace

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A current thought in many HR related departments is that although acquiring international talent may be important to grow and broaden the company, the cultural integration process of internationals can be very turbulent and a lot of efforts would be … Read More

It’s not the thought that counts

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When we’re young we want to make a difference right here and right now. But there’s power to incrementality, even if it’s not necessarily exciting. Don’t underestimate the little things. Tomorrow is the World Blood Donor Day, so we can … Read More

The Revenge of the Young

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They say, revenge is best served cold. In reality, today, it’s served loud; with a burning flame of change sizzling at the feet of decision makers forcing them to dance off the heat. Left foot up, left foot down, right … Read More

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