Why is Empowering Others Important?

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As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. -Bill Gates Have you ever wondered what really drives people to do more than what is required of them, for the sake of other people? … Read More

The Art of Social Entrepreneurship

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“If you aren’t making a difference in other people’s lives, you shouldn’t be in business – it’s that simple” – Richard Branson, founder of the virgin group Let’s just say you’re in a shoe room right now trying on different … Read More

AIESEC’s International Presidents Meeting 2020

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150 young leaders gather in Russia to discuss how to develop youth in the world Moscow, Russia, February 8, 2020 – The AIESEC International Presidents Meeting 2020 is taking place in Moscow, Russia from February 9th to 16th. This conference … Read More

6 steps to ikigai and beyond

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Recently I learnt about a Japanese concept- ikigai, which roughly translates to “the reason for being“. This concept assists one in finding their passion and in discovering which career would best suit them. After the passion has been discovered one … Read More

How to choose the right opportunity for your career

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Decision-making is difficult for most people. It’s even more difficult as a young person just getting started in your career Should you take the opportunity in an exciting new start-up where you’ll work overtime and there’s a risk of failure? … Read More

5 Characteristics Of A Good Leader

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Is your boss making you do extra work? Have you stayed over time multiple times to finish your manager’s job? Or, maybe you’re constantly being yelled at and criticized for every single task you handle? Believe it or not, these … Read More

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