Imprisoned by Illiteracy

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For me, reading is a vital part of life. However, for many people, illiteracy follows them into old age. Not once did the thought of it being real come to my mind, until I did an assessment with the NEUROPSI, a … Read More

Five Books Every Leader Should Read

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There are many tools that can help you develop your leadership skills, but when was the last time you considered reading a good book in order to improve these abilities? Besides bringing you benefits in terms of personal development, an … Read More

My Bold Step

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If you’re excited to read more of the amazing stories that resulted from the Top Writers Challenge, we’ve got just the thing for you! This time, read all about the experience of Ijeoma Agbugba, of AIESEC in Ibadan, Nigeria, during her … Read More

Oversimplifying or overcomplicating. What do you prefer?

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How do you summarize six years of experience in AIESEC into one blog post? You don’t. In my six years in AIESEC, I have traveled to 15 countries and interacted with people from 70+ nationalities. I’ve worked with six different teams … Read More

100 Balls or The Happiest Day of My Life

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The wait is over, and we’re very happy to finally be able to share with you the results of the Top Writers Challenge: a beautiful collection of stories that highlight the impact leadership can have in our lives and what … Read More

The Mixture of Old & New

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In 2011, I was going through a tough time of my life. It was only the first year of my university, but I was not happy. The “party phase” everyone goes through in the beginning of studies passed, and even … Read More

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