Why we should care about student trafficking

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Have you ever heard about student trafficking? We had the opportunity to speak with a member of the R.AGE team, which is a multimedia journalism platform that targets urban youths in Malaysia. They produce videos and multimedia content about social … Read More

The dark side of leadership…

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Not long ago, in a galaxy far, far away… The dark side of leadership became a real phenomenon that had been silently creeping its way into many organizations. The thing is, people did not fully understand what it was, and … Read More

Ain’t nothing basic about Universal Basic Income

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So what is Universal Basic Income (UBI)? It’s a stipulated amount which is given to each citizen of the country regardless of income in order to provide sufficient subsistence. There are usually 5 characteristics that show Universal Basic Income. These … Read More

Leaders find it risky not to take risks: Be risk-spired!

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When we talk about Bill Gates dropping out of college to found Microsoft, or Sylvester Stallone refusing to take any offers for Rocky unless he was allowed to star or maybe even Beyonce dropping an entire album at once without … Read More

On Loving and Living The Experience

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Curious to see what an exchange experience is actually about? What adventures expect you when you decide to step outside of your comfort zone? If yes, check out the story of Love Ifechukwu Nebo, and find out more about her … Read More

Performance Management for a better job environment

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Performance management has become an obligation to every company in the whole world, with all the factors around it ensuring a better workplace for each employer and employee.  A good execution of it will improve the productivity of every enterprise … Read More

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