Why employees quit their jobs

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Why are our employees quitting? Every human resources department asks themselves this question at one point of their existence. Desertion has always represented an expense to companies. In many industries, the cost of losing workers is rising. Before thinking about why is this happening and how to deal with the situation, it is necessary to understand attrition doesn’t depend totally on the administration of human resources. There will always be factors beyond the reach of the company, like the employee’s personal life.

More and more companies are struggling with this issue. The necessity of making a complete analysis of the problem has increased, therefore companies are implementing systems like people analytics, which allow them to identify trends in their workplaces. These systems have taken companies to get closer to their workers, with the goal of developing tools that guarantee strategies for attraction and retention.

The importance of knowing the employees further than the job environment has become a must for all companies. A research created by CEB, a Washington-based best-practice insight, and technology company, studies not just why employees quit but also when. “We’ve learned that what really affects people is their sense of how they’re doing compared with other people in their peer group, or with where they thought they would be at a certain point in life,” says Brian Kropp, who heads CEB’s human resources practice. Events like work anniversaries and birthdays can affect directly in the employee’s choices, at this point the “when” plays a role in the attrition issue.

So, what can companies do about it?

All this analytical work is showing what are some of the reasons that impel employees to leave their jobs. In general, the problem is that employees don’t feel happy or satisfied with their jobs, intern circumstances like, not liking their boss, not having a fair payment, not seeing opportunities to grow up or even extern situations as family problems and chronic diseases, lead them to feel unhappy with their jobs.

The list of reasons could be as long as your analysis could go, but let’s check the main determinants influencing the employees’ decisions.

Being unrecognized and unchallenged

Most of the employees who decide to leave their jobs don’t feel valued. It is easy to neglect employees when operations turn a priority. An advice of Jen Kelchner from Broadwell Group Inc. says “look for disengagement and burnout, find ways to leverage their talents in new ways to support meeting goals and elevating the whole team’s performance.”

Unheard employees

Approach the employees in the right way seems difficult to every company. Take your time to get to know your employees, those employees who never talk to their managers are more susceptible to leave their jobs. Open the doors, let them contribute and be taken into account, these actions are important to employee’s stability.

Where to go?

Poor managers and lack of opportunities are factors that take employees to feel caught. Employees who feel stuck won’t be productive and will demand and waste time and resources from the company. Employees look for the ability to improve their position and income, and a positive job environment that challenges them if they don’t find these factors they will decide for quitting. Learn how to invest in your employees, create programs that show them how they can grow within the company.


One Response

  1. Shiv Duggal
    | Reply

    While it is true that an organisation cannot control the circumstances affecting a person’s personal life, building a culture where employees can proactively discuss their personal problems with their managers and/or team can make a huge difference. Additionally, if the company goes the extra mile in helping with these issues (offering additional flexibility, add-on health cover, financial counselling, temporary loans etc.) this can help employees feel cared for.

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