The Sustainable Development… What?

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We have all been protected by bubble wrap at some point, shielding us from any harm or bad news. There were no holes, no entry allowed for negativity. At the time, everything in our world seemed happy. We did not … Read More

4 reasons to hire a millennial

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We’ve heard it all before: ‘millennials in the workplace are lazy, impatient and entitled’. I mean, who hasn’t watched the famous video by Simon Sinek? The last time I saw the video it had about 7 million views on Youtube … Read More

Finding My Purpose

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Take a look at the next installment of the Top Writers Challenge and dive into the story of Jasmiina Korpimaki, from AIESEC in Finland, who went through an experience that completely shifted her perspective in Athens, Greece. Last summer I volunteered … Read More

Why I Chose To Do An Internship With AIESEC

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Curious to see what an exchange experience is actually about? What adventures expect you when you decide to step outside of your comfort zone? If yes, check out the story of Es Lujane, of and find out more about her internship with AIESEC … Read More

10 reasons not to become a Global Volunteer

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It’s been a buzzword for quite some time and still, it’s something many people don’t like to associate themselves with or that can seem downright controversial – volunteering. The notion of altruistically providing a service without any financial gain is nothing … Read More

A small act of anything goes a long way

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Curious to see what an exchange experience is actually about? What adventures expect you when you decide to step outside of your comfort zone? If yes, check out the story of Scott Ye, of AIESEC in Australia, and find out more about his … Read More

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