How will AI and automation affect recruitment?

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The rate of technological change is growing at an exponential rate currently. Just a few years ago we had dial-up internet, landlines and chord connected printers. Nowadays, everything seems to be wireless and automated. And it’s not stopping here, we … Read More

How can interacting with youth help my company?

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Young people are growing up at really different times compared to older generations as many millennials find themselves unemployed. According to Eurostat statistics 2017, youth unemployment rate was twice or even thrice that of the normal unemployment rate. Young people … Read More

Ukraine and I: A Love Story

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Curious to see what an exchange experience is actually about? What adventures expect you when you decide to step outside of your comfort zone? If yes, check out the story of Jaycee Chiu, and find out more about her volunteering … Read More

How smartphones and social media have affected the communication of millennials

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Modern technologies are gradually changing the ways in which people interact with members of their social networks. The youth of today are immersed in technological advancements that promote non-stop communication and instant gratification, whether through smartphones, gaming systems, laptops, etc. … Read More

Things millennials wished recruiters asked in interviews

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So, you now know that you are interested in recruiting millennials and are trying more than ever to figure out how best to attract them to become your employees. We would like to explore the other side to see and … Read More

Climate change is a myth!

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CLIMATE CHANGE IS A MYTH. It’s not uncommon to find statements like this on the internet (if you don’t believe me, go ahead and try it!). The thing is, the debate over global warming has been going all around the … Read More

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