Leadership Skills I Developed Through My Internship Abroad

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Imagine you’re going on an exchange. Which destination do you have in mind? What culture would you like to explore? How would you challenge yourself? What leadership skills would you want to develop? The list of opportunities is endless.  By … Read More

Don’t Throw That, It’s Food! Replate

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“Don’t throw that, it’s food!” my naani (maternal grandmother) screamed. My seven year old self was perched on the bench in the huge open kitchen, helping my grandmother cut beautiful and bright red carrots, some perfect and some wonky, for … Read More

How to Change Your Life in a Year: 2021 Edition

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Time is relative. For some people, one year is a long time and for some, it goes in a blink of an eye. For me, it’s the perfect duration I needed because I changed my life in a year. I … Read More

6 Moods We Feel When Applying for a Job

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Are you currently applying for a job? Or maybe you’re preparing yourself for that moment? As young people, we often feel different kinds of emotions when we apply for a job. Whether you’re applying for an internship position or your … Read More

Working for MNC vs. Start-up. Which One Fits You Better?

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Are you seeking your first job? It’s normal to get confused about which kind of workplace you should apply for. While every company has its own unique working culture, it’s not impossible to imagine the work environment based on the … Read More

How to Tell Your Bestfriend is a True AIESECer

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HEY AIESEC? What’s up!!!! HOW ARE YOU FEELING? Excellent!!! If you’re an AIESECer, you must be familiar with this call.  It’s not just a regular call. It’s a sign of excitement and motivation to make all AIESECers keep their heads … Read More

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