The role of HR in business strategy

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Every business has a strategy which defines the organization’s plan for reaching its goals and objectives. However, this strategy cannot fulfill itself, as it basically is just a plan, and this is where human resources jump in. Both the business strategy and the HR strategy are vital, as they complement each other. Let’s take a closer look at the role of HR in business strategy and where you as a recruiter fit in, shall we?

No one strategy without the other

Some organizations create their HR strategies to support their earlier created business strategy, but some choose to do it in the opposite way, letting the resources they have at their disposal determine the business strategy. Whichever it may be, HR’s role in executing the business strategy is paramount. You heard right: paramount. Without people to carry out your organization’s strategy, the strategy itself is more or less useless. This is also something that you as a recruiter should keep in mind: what kind of employees and skills does my company need in order to fulfill our business strategy?

Support at its best, a hindrance at its worst

So, HR strategy is directly linked to your business’s strategy. Recruiting and training are important features for the company’s success: in fact, most managers see their employees as the most important resource they have. Human resources help the organization in not only creating employees who make the business strategy a reality but also providing company’s executives with analytics and data, says Business News Daily.

Because of this, it is important to align your business strategy with your HR strategy without forgetting recruiting, of course; Queens University has a nice article about this topic. Without this alignment, you get two strategies leading your organization on different paths with different objectives, and I guess it goes without saying that that is not the most optimal way to lead a business, is it?

The final note

Your organization’s business strategy and your HR strategy need each other. Without HR, your business strategy cannot be fulfilled, and without a business strategy, your HR department does not know what to do with employees. While other departments of your company such as sales or marketing might get the glory of success, remember this: it was HR who helped in making that happen.

Find out more about how you can fulfill your business strategy by hiring young international talents here.


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