What skills are employers looking for in youth?

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Many employers say they cannot find enough qualified applicants for their entry-level positions even though many young people are struggling to find a job. The lack of critical skills is the main reason why 40% of the employers are struggling … Read More

The Language of Leadership: Communication

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Man is a social animal and communication is something that comes naturally to us. The first thing that we are taught to do after being born is to talk. Our survival, in many ways, depends on it. How well we … Read More

Challenges employers face when hiring internationally and why they are worth it

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According to ILO, there are an astonishing 71 million unemployed young people all around the world. One reason behind this can be the lack of critical skills needed for a job. People have always moved in search of a job, … Read More

Getting skills right

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Across OECD countries 15% of youth is not in education, employment or training. Despite the recovery, the youth employment rate remains below its pre-crisis level. In multiple OECD countries, such as Greece, Spain, and Italy, the youth unemployment rate remains … Read More

Taking Responsibility: Are you a world citizen?

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While I grew up, there was one question I constantly asked myself – what exactly was the bigger plan I was supposed to be part of? I knew that the world is much like a puzzle, run by different forces, … Read More

Can mobility be a solution for youth unemployment?

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Youth unemployment is an issue in most parts of the world, often at higher rates than average unemployment. At the same time, employers are having difficulties filling their junior level positions. Education is failing to keep up with the development … Read More

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