Engaging Team Members’ Personal Vision for High Employee Engagement

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Engagement measures how team members feel connected and emotionally invested in the organization. It is one of the key tools for employers to quantify the morale, overall health, and well being of their team. In a Gallup study done through … Read More

A week of vegetarianism!

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I always swore I could never be a vegetarian. “I like meat too much,” I always said. “Fried chicken is so good!” My cousin began her vegetarian stint at an early stage. I can remember our family fishing at the … Read More

On Overcoming Fear

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Overcoming fear adversities has been a hot topic since times immemorial and frankly, the only thing we’ve managed to learn about it is that there’s not a single, universal answer on how to go about it. Whatever works for you … Read More

Engaging youth international talents in the workspace – Lessons learned from recruitment

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After four years of working with AIESEC, the world’s largest student run organisation, it’s clear to me that the world of talent is changing: starting from how we attract and recruit people to how we manage, reward, and motivate them … Read More

Transform Your Reality and Live Forever

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“When we talk about AIESEC, we talk about leadership, about challenges, development and contribution. When you become part of the organization and are faced with the first challenges, you realize that the way you are impacted is so powerful that you get … Read More

How are employers catering to the millennials’ needs?

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In the YouthSpeak Survey, run by AIESEC in 2015 with over 45,000 responses, we found out that the four difference aspects millennials pay great attention to in the first 5 years of their careers are constant learning, meaningful work, work-life balance, … Read More

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