5 steps for a better time management

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“Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.” -Peter Drucker Do you ever feel like you do not have enough time? Like if days lasted so little for all the things you want … Read More

Young and ready to change the world

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As young people, we all have something in common: The weight of every single decision we make will be reflected in how the world is going to look like not too far from today. That is our privilege, as well … Read More

What to do to change children’s life

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Think of how many times you have been told what to do. Remember how you reacted in that very moment – maybe you didn’t do whatever it was that you were told to do. A rebel at heart, right? Still, … Read More

No more corruption!

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Nowadays, the headlines from around the world are providing crucial reminders of the need to promote clean and transparent businesses, governments and societies. We’re ending 2017, and the fight against corruption still goes on. It is tempting to feel discouraged, … Read More

How Engagement With Others Can Empower You

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The other day I went out for some work and a sudden realisation hit me. The amount of times we indulge in engagement with the people around us is massive. Be it talking to a shopkeeper for a price of … Read More

Are youth prepared for the job market?

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Year by year thousands of higher education students get a degree expecting to get a job, which allows them to have a proper style of living. Anyway, there is a kind of dread that exists in every young and new … Read More

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