5 ways to attract millennials to your company

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Millennials! Love or hate them, they are the workforce of the future. Organizations need to start being flexible in adapting to their trends and to find better ways to integrate them and retain them within the organization. This is crucial … Read More

17 reasons why…

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The start of a new year is often a time for reflection and resolution. For the world, it means another opportunity to set things right for its future. For us, as individuals, it means we can start making a difference … Read More

We’re all a little different – and that’s OK!

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Curious to see what an exchange experience is actually about? What adventures expect you when you decide to step outside of your comfort zone? If yes, check out the story of Katia Jordan, and find out more about her volunteering experience … Read More

10 Things I Wish For You In 2018

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Many things go through our minds on the brink of the new year. It’s an odd, wondrous moment – the end and beginning of it all. There’s so much that lies ahead, so much we can do, so much to … Read More

Never too late to start

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“The time for action is now. It’s never too late to do something.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry These moments arrive through our life. The moment to think about what we have done, where we stand and where we want to go. … Read More

It is time to take flight

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“Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing and work hard” -Will Smith There is a story about a man. This man is walking down a path and finds an egg. An eagle’s egg. He takes this egg and … Read More

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