3 things candidates want to know in the recruitment process

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Certainly, young adults want to secure a good job as soon as they can nowadays because of the pressure to gain experience from a young age. However, they are not always given the facts about what entails further in this route, and many questions arise from those who apply to companies they want to work for. Hence, these are what your future employees might want to know:

  1. Knowledge on the job and the company employees

It is important for job candidates to understand the skills and experience they need to qualify for the position that they are interested in. Giving them information about this will allow them insights into your company’s culture and employee experience. Along those lines, you can send an email, which includes the personalities, names and perhaps LinkedIn profiles of the people the candidate could potentially work with. This again gives the person a better idea of both what working there is really like and if they would adapt with their future potential co-workers.

  1. How to prepare for the interview

Before the interview day, candidates might want to know what the hiring manager is like. Being nervous on the D-Day is completely normal leading up to the event, and giving them information about how the process will go on can make them feel more prepared. The recruiter can ease that anxiety by sending the youth an email of what the hiring manager is really like, and what they are looking for. The less anxiety they will have, the better they will perform in the interview.

  1. Knowing why they have been rejected

If a candidate is rejected, s/he will want to know why, and some feedback would be insightful for their future applications. Candidates would like to hear feedback about why, but only few of them have ever actually received feedback. This is actually an opportunity for companies to build their employer brand and even their consumer brand. By talking to these people and giving some advice on what they need to improve to join your company in the future, not only does this encourage the person to apply for your company again, but they will also consider buying its products or using its services.

There are definitely more questions that need answering by candidates, and these are just a few that can be taken into consideration. Thus, by catering to the needs of potential candidates, your company can gain recognition for being well aware of its market and for being conscientious about the needs of today’s youth.


One Response

  1. Jamie Gabriel Broden
    | Reply

    I definitely agree with all you said in your article. This is exactly what i want to know in recruitment process. I’m one of those people who is nervous when it comes to a job interview because i want to know what kind of hiring manager would i face when the interview comes. And also, most of the people being rejected wants to know why are they being rejected. Here in the Philippines, one of the reasons why some people being rejected it is because of great competition. Many people apply on a same position. The one advantage that i use is i seek a help from a recruiting firm in Manila. It’s quite a relief that they help in searching my desired job.

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