3 Ways great leaders manage conflict

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As a team leader, one of the hardest things you could face within is conflict, whether it’s a conflict with a member or a scuffle between two contemporaries, conflict has been and will always be a tough, yet needed point … Read More

Living diversity in Malaysia

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In Youth 4 Global Goals: The Series Season 2, sponsored by PwC, 10 young people went across the globe on an AIESEC Global Volunteer experience to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. Read the story of Maria Bouzeghoub from Algeria, who … Read More

Taking action for responsible consumption

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How will you contribute to responsible consumption? Did you know every year approximately 1.3 billion tons of food goes to waste? (source: un.org). Even most of the resources that go into producing this food goes to waste…….. In collaboration with our … Read More

My road to happiness

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In Youth 4 Global Goals: The Series Season 2, sponsored by PwC, 10 young people went across the globe on an AIESEC Global Volunteer experience to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. Read the story of Andrea Apostolo from Italy, who … Read More

Revolution of PR in modern Business world

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Digital technology has changed nearly everything about present-day life from the manner in which we purchase our stuff to what is our Business, how and where we work. Furthermore, obviously, the act of PR has not been immune from the … Read More

Score big in IT

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If you are finishing your studies in computer sciences, you will need an internship. After that, you can apply for a full-time job, but you don’t always have hopes for a high salary. Because there are so many programming languages … Read More

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