3 Insider Ways AIESEC Creates Inclusivity for Queer Members

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3 Ways AIESEC Creates an Inclusive Environment for Queer Members  The feeling of belonging is probably one of the strongest we can experience as humans. Through centuries, we developed as humankind thanks to the support we received in our communities. … Read More

6 Podcasts That Will Make You a Better Leader

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We are in the era of information. As the saying goes “Knowledge is power.” This saying never has been more true. In today’s world, we have access to superpowers, not only fictional characters have them. Our superpower is knowledge. The … Read More

Want to be More Inclusive? Start With The Language.

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Many workplaces claim to be inclusive. But do you think that yours is enough? Nowadays, diversity in the workplace has been a hot topic, especially for young workers. Recruiting staff from various backgrounds, cultures, genders, and religions means you have … Read More

Impostor Syndrome Can Ruin Your Future, Here’s How to Deal With It

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Imagine this: you applied for a Global Talent opportunity that is “out of your reach.” You did your best to follow every step of the application process. Then the good news came: you got accepted! But suddenly, you feel like … Read More

Did You Make a Bad Hire? Here’s What You Can Do

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Sometimes this happens: You feel you chose the right person for your organization or company, but their performance is not as expected.  Their resume is brilliant, they have an enthusiastic personality, and you think:‘this the person I was looking for!’ … Read More

Why Do AIESECers Dance So Much?

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Do you like to dance? If dancing is your favorite physical activity, then you will love to be in AIESEC. For the people in AIESEC, dancing is a crucial part of our physical events, and nowadays, even the virtual ones. … Read More

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