How to Invest in the Future

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Recently, AIESEC has joined forces with Electrolux to create a program that gives young people the opportunity to work internationally. This is the Global Engineering Program (GEP), which consists of an initiative that endorses, scouts and recruits talent in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) areas to work in various Electrolux offices around the world. AIESEC’s job in this partnership is to help find and recruit this talent.

This project was motivated by the belief that Electrolux has in young talent and their ability to grow, develop and become young leaders in order to change our reality and create a better future for everyone around the globe. Fortunately for young people everywhere, Electrolux is not the only company that believes in the potential that youth had to create a better world. Several companies are starting to invest in young talent and recruiting more and more students or recent graduates.


Who and why?

Procter & Gamble, for example, is investing in young entrepreneur’s projects in order to help them escalate and reach higher levels from a young age. More recently they invested 15 million dollars on a young girl with an idea for a social media site solely directed at teen girls. Furthermore, the International Trade Center and the World Trade Organization are currently endorsing and supporting the CYFI project, which joins 16 to 30 year old entrepreneurs from all over the world to provide them with the tools necessary to make their projects grow. Moreover, Google and Intel also invest in youngsters by holding similar projects that consist of a science and engineering fair where the winners gets several prizes in order to launch their projects.

Apart from these companies, there are several others who are discovering the power of youth and are investing more and more in this generation in order to prepare them from a young age to be proactive leaders for the future. This investment is essential for all types of companies if they want to be adaptable and forward-thinking and is also necessary in order to help young people grow and develop!

Go to to learn how to invest in your own future.


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