6 weeks may sound like “a lot” to some and “not enough” to others. For Alina, 6 weeks with AIESEC in Italy was just enough time. She contributed to something that she cared about and created a lasting impact. Check out her story, get inspired, and see all that can happen when you commit yourself to something that you’re passionate about.
I CARE about what’s going on in the world.
… about the legacy I will leave.
… about about making a difference
And I wanted to show that it is possible. Not only did I want to do this for myself, but for all youth out there. Encouraging all of you to take initiative and create an impact of your own is something I am passionate about.
Because it matters.
Working in two schools in Saronno, Italy with children aged 6 to 13, I was a Global Volunteer for Sustainable Development Goal #4: Quality Education. The project I was a part of was designed with two main objectives in mind. Firstly, to focus on the development and leadership skills in the children’s lives. The second was to improve their English and German proficiency.
For 6 out of 6 weeks,
I lived a remarkable experience.
I wanted to become a Global Volunteer with AIESEC in order to work with other like-minded individuals in my journey to creating impact. My intention in going abroad was drawn from my desire to break down barriers. To shape myself into someone who invests into issues regarding education. And to contribute towards cracking open the potential of students in Italy.
Taking responsibility for myself and doing my best to shape my own experience are two things I can confidently say I did well. By teaching, I was able to support the students in overcoming the difficulties they faced when learning. I gave in depth knowledge on the subjects I taught. And beyond that, I became a friend they could trust.
Throughout the experience I transmitted motivation by demonstrating that…
When you work hard,
The joy, friendly atmosphere, and warm welcoming smiles of the children are all things I carried back home to Russia with me. I know they will stay as a memory of the experience I had and the difference I made for years to come.
Through this journey, it became more evident than ever…
What legacy will you leave?
Live an experience like this yourself by finding an opportunity on aiesec.org.
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