4 ways to find your strengths

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One must learn to identify his or her own strengths in order to improve in everyday life and to develop, as they are the means to making your dreams happen. Try not to focus on your weaknesses and use your strong points to guide you.

But, how on earth do you do that, right? Well check out the tips below!

Find your strengths

  1. Look for signs of excitement

Try to think of actions that make you happy. What do you enjoy? These are very good questions to help you understand your strengths. Happiness is one of the things that everyone seeks, hence doing things that make you happy makes you also more productive and it makes things easier. This makes them your strengths. Look for the things that excite you, that give you energy and you enjoy most.

2.Ask others

The people around you often observe things that you cannot see that clearly. People you work with, your friends and your family have seen you go through many circumstances in your life, as well as how you react to them, how you overcome them and what you do in times of crisis. During many of these circumstances you show skills that you have but you are too caught up in the moment to realize. So asking the people who are there to see them helps you get to know them and understand yourself better.

3.Try different roles

Do sports. Join a theatre team. Volunteer in a community. Take language classes. Try peculiar sports. Dancing, riding, swimming, archery. If you work, try different fields. Go to a star up and try all the fields. Most people have very few chances of finding out their strengths and passions because they never had the chance to even try it, to know that they are good at this. I remember a career coach speaking about this and saying she found out after 30 years of life that she is very good at surfing just because she went on a trip to Australia. Don’t wait for 30 years to find your strengths. Go out there and try as many different things as you can to find out what you’re good at.

4.Notice what you do differently

When doing something that you are good at, that is your strength, you usually stand out from the crowd. Your approach is unique. This is a very good compass towards finding your strengths because it is actually quite easy to see when you stand out from the rest. You just have to pay attention. Try though to understand in what way your approach differs from others.

Finding our strengths is quite tricky but very important if we want to understand the way we function as individuals and where we are headed. Challenges in our lives help us identify these strengths using the above mentioned ways.

If you want to live a challenging experience that will help you understand and find your strengths go to one of our opportunities in aiesec.org


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