Solo or Squad? The Power of Taking Action Alone vs. With a Community

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Ready to Make a Difference? Let’s Break It Down! 🚀

Hey change-makers! 👋 Have you ever wondered whether you should do that big project on your own or with the group? Or were you the one who always did the whole group project by themselves? Let’s discuss a little bit about communities vs lone wolves.

Flying Solo: The Lone Wolf Approach 🐺

Taking action alone isn’t just for introverts – it’s a power move that comes with some serious perks:

Doing things on your own doesn’t always mean you are antisocial and can have its benefits like; doing everything on your own speed without asking anyone or waiting for anyone, facing challenges on your own and pushing your limits to grow even more or being able to make your own schedule. If you’re a night owl you can work at 2 AM on your project or you can rise and shine at 6 AM and be more productive than ever! But before thinking this is the best way, let’s look at some of the cons:

Limited resources like time of only one person or energy of only yourself can immensely affect the outcome of your work or without diverse perspectives and revisions you can miss some very crucial points of views in your work. But most importantly, when you are working alone your motivation can come and go in very unexpected times, with no one to hold you accountable, it can be very difficult to continue 

Squad Goals: The Community Approach 🤝

Where the magic happens is, when you work towards a goal with a group of like minded people. You can use your brainpower collectively and have more ideas, you can depend on people who understand you just the same when you are blocked or you can pass different parts of the project to people with different skills to create the perfect outcome! 

We can see from every experience in changing the world has started with one person, you, but continued with so many other like minded individuals! 

The Verdict? More the Merrier!

With joining forces with young people, you can achieve near perfect results, make your voice heard to bigger communities and change the world at a faster speed, make your impact on hundreds of people!

You can start solo or in a very small group, but by taking the first step to change the world by Global Volunteer, you can make a difference in the global community by joining hundreds of volunteers worldwide and working towards the global goals! 


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