Engineer? Stand out by working abroad!

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Engineering students are currently ranked least likely to go abroad during their studies. With hours of classes, engineering students often feel they do not have time to gain internship experience at home—let alone, abroad. However, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) graduates that have global experience are needed more than ever by employers.

Why companies are looking for engineers with a global mindset:

  1. Corporate globalization

    In recent century, there has been extreme growth in international alliances and foreign investments. Companies are developing their products and manufacturing processes across the globe. There is a growing need for diversity among technical teams for collaboration. Researchers and technicians with different educational backgrounds are required even more. Companies are looking for a team of graduates from across the continent to join their teams.

  2. Diverse technologies

    Employers are looking for graduates with different cultures, languages, and beliefs that can solve problems to deal with new technologies. Having this hands-on experience in both your home country and countries with prosperous technology markets is valuable. Working in Germany, the United States, or Brazil will set you apart in the future as you start your career.

  3. Engineering talent gap

    The common myth among HR professionals is that engineers are introverts and lack the ability to socialize. By engaging with the global market and workforce, engineers that work abroad emphasize their ability to communicate in an international setting and multiple backgrounds.

As long as you have the conviction to apply and the willingness to start your career, being a global engineer is an experience that every young professional should have access to. This is one of the reasons we’ve partnered with Electrolux. If you are a current student or recent graduate of engineering, AIESEC is partnering with Electrolux through the Global Engineer Program.

Why Electrolux?

They shape living for the better by acting sustainably, designing solutions that create better experiences for consumers, and thinking innovatively.

Interested in being a global engineer with Electrolux? Apply now at:


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