African Hunger Crisis: Where We Stand

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While poverty brings rise to a million problems, including diseases and healthcare, the biggest of them all is Hunger. According to statistics, 1 in 5 children face hunger in America and 1 in 4 children around the world suffer from chronic malnutrition that stunts growth. Eleven percent of the global population suffers from hunger, that is 1 in 9 people worldwide don’t get enough food to eat leading to various diseases and even death.

In 1990, only 12 countries in Africa were facing food crises, of which only four were in protracted crises. Twenty years later, a total of 24 countries were experiencing food crises, with 19 in crisis for eight or more of the previous ten years. A staggering amount of 24 million people are facing hunger crisis in the continent. The United Nations has proclaimed this to be the largest humanitarian crisis since the end of the second World War.

UN was responsible to be able to lead out a well-resourced response towards the hunger statistics, but the international community has seemed to fail to enact. Conditions in the region have predictably worsened as rains have failed for a third consecutive season that has wilted crops along with a long drought. Cereal prices keep getting high and water shortage has left thousands of animals dead which curtails the production of milk that is  necessary for children below five years of age.

Due to this, South Sudan has fallen into famine. A whopping 1.4 million children are facing severe malnutrition in Somalia. The drought in the entire region has been leading to a lot of other conflicts like keeping children away from school or forcing people away from their homes which pressurises Uganda and Tanzania’s capacity.

Enough information is at our disposal and it is time to do something about it. To end hunger, we must work together to break this cycle of poverty, by providing food and long-term solutions like clean water and education. An infusion of money can solve a lot of issues. There is a lot that is being done by raising funds and organising special collections as well. Get informed on how you can take action and join the fight against hunger!


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