5 steps for a better time management

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“Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.”
-Peter Drucker

Do you ever feel like you do not have enough time? Like if days lasted so little for all the things you want to achieve? If this is your case… probably it is because you must improve how you manage time. Today we want to share you five steps for a better time management:

5 steps for a better time management

1. Think about your goals

Time Management Goal

Everyone has a routine and some of us might sometimes forget where we are heading or what we want to achieve. In order to start a process of time management improvement we should settle down, get into what we want to achieve and why. By setting our goals we can understand what is needed to make them happen.

2. Plan and prioritize

Time Management Plan

Once setting your goals… define how you will make them happen. One of the most important things of planning is to set deadlines and do not try to cover everything at the same time… it is better to achieve from one to three goals than not achieving any. Understand that you will have to stop doing things that distract you and prioritize your strategies to accomplish your objectives.

3. Execute without excuse

Time Management Execute

Plans are meant to be executed… do not postpone what you should be doing. Start with small and easy tasks because by completing them in short time will motivate you to keep going and do task after task more naturally. Do not let you down… yourself is trusting in your capability, will and desire of reaching new limits.

4. Evaluate your progress

Time Management Evaluate

Doing things measurable helps us to understand the progress we are getting from the efforts we make towards our goals. Determine how often you will measure your progress: it can be daily, weekly or monthly among others. If certain strategies or efforts are not taking you closer to your objectives… do not hesitate on changing, adapting or innovating what you do.

5. Repeat the process

Time Management Repeat

Sometimes the best motivation is found when you go back and think why you are doing what you are doing today. Remember what is that special thing that moves you and ignites your will to set all your efforts to achieve the impossible. There is always something that can be improved so constantly rethink what you aspire in life.

Time management is basically a time budget created with the purpose of planning and executing the time we will spend on specific activities. Having a good time management helps you to work smarter, in a more efficient way and leaving you the space to enjoy the beauty of living.

What do you think is the best way to manage your time?

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