This is my day!

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Hello there! We were just wondering what are you going to do this beginning of the week. We hope that this day is very productive for you, and those around you.

Now you might be wondering why we already used a goodbye in the beginning. It was not, it’s an invitation actually. We know people often wait until the day when the week begins to embark on a new project or finish a current one.

Sadly, we have this idea implanted in our brains that we need to wait until some moment in the future to give the first step into something new. Like, “yeah, I’ll begin working out next Monday” or “I’ll start my paper next week”, although these examples might sound harmless they are the symptom of a habit called procrastination.

Procrastination is not just about leaving stuffs to be done until the last day. It’s about postponing your goals so everyday you get further away from them. It’s just sabotaging yourself and on purpose. In fact, there are times when we are not aware of this but we’re quite sure it’s something that is happening to you, since it’s happening to us.

Now that we think about, we’ve actually put ourselves in front of the problem. We’ve decided to stop it from happening again, let’s not wait for a better day to begin or finish what we wanted to achieve!

Let us be the misfits that make any day THE DAY we need, let us not wait anymore for the so right moment that everyone is bent on waiting. Let us be the ones that seize that fleeting instant everyday without expecting a fixed date to do it!.

If you are prepared to give this step then keep on reading. Only do so if you dare to begin living fearlessly, fully & accountable to yourself…

The Any Day is My Day Manifesto:


  1. Do the Opposite. Stop waiting like everyone else.
  2. Care not for the myth of the right day. It’s based on somebody else’s experiences.
  3. Study the techniques of the experts. Learn the best from the best. Study passionately.
  4. Start and finish all the personal projects you want on a regular basis.
  5. Don’t make a schedule, make habits
  6. Embrace your delays. Find a way to learn from them and use them on your favor. Pay attention to what makes you being late
  7. Stop waiting to expand your horizons. Visit the places/cultures you were waiting for. It’s now or never
  8. Allow yourself to remain open to the unknown
  9. Question time
  10. Follow your goals


You have everything that takes to make it happen, let this day be the day you were waiting for.

Make today your day by finding your opportunity on


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