Things millennials wished recruiters asked in interviews

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So, you now know that you are interested in recruiting millennials and are trying more than ever to figure out how best to attract them to become your employees. We would like to explore the other side to see and observe what actually makes millennials ‘tick’ in considering working for a particular company. So here are some ideas of some questions that millennials wish they were asked during a job interview.

What impact do you want to make?

Millennials are always wanting to figure out a way to contribute to making a difference in the world. Therefore, this is a really good question to ask in order to gauge how best you can match with a potential employee. Especially if the employee is aligned with how the company wants to improve the world. In addition, the employee can bring new ideas that will be able to help in that way. So if you want to make sustainable products, you would most probably aim to recruit the person who views climate change is a focus they are interested in tackling.

What past experiences have prepared you for this opportunity?

Millennials might not have actual work experience from another company, however, they might have other work experience that may make them ready for the open position. These may include having a volunteer experience, leadership role in a student organization, and in some instance, an on-campus job that made them prepared for the position. While most companies may not value this, millennials see this as an experience in a role that can contribute to their work experience.

Have you ever worked with a diverse group?

Millennials are really particular when it comes to diversity. They want to make sure that they are going to work in a company that values diversity and that it will be part of their employee experience.  This question ensures to bring comfort to the candidate that you as an organization do value diversity and that you encourage having a diverse working environment and nothing less.

Would you rather work from the office or home?

This question is necessary for millennials as they are into a more flexible framework when it comes to when and where they work. Currently, millennials don’t mind working from the office however, they still expect some flexible working arrangement that allows them to work from home too and provides flexible working hours for them.

What are your values?

While people have values, organizations have values too. Millennials want to make sure that their values match in accordance with the company they work with. Being made aware of the company’s values makes it easier to make a match with their values as millennials would be happier working in a company that considers their values. Once you find out which values are the strongest within the company it makes it easier to find the right candidates to work within the company.

Well, that’s all for now folks! There are other questions that could be asked to better engage millennials but this is all I have for now. If you want to find better ways to engage millennials, I advise you to click here.


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