How technology is changing the workplace

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A hundred years ago the workplace looked very different than it does today. This is largely due to technology and innovation that have fundamentally changed the way we work. But what exactly are the ramifications of new technology in the workplace today? What aspects of the workplace has technology changed the most?

Productivity boost

Since the industrial revolution, productivity has skyrocketed thanks to innovations in technology as well as management. Today, raising employee productivity is still a hot topic.

The concept of “work smarter not harder” has become a part of work life with technology stepping up to streamline, declutter and optimize each step of the daily grind. An example of this is the project management platform Trello, which allows you to see and manage entire projects at once, set and assign tasks as well as collaborate with teams. Apps like these allow employees to concentrate on what’s really important and improve productivity.

Hiring in the 21st century

The recruitment process has also fundamentally changed as the workforce specializes and young people become more educated. Not only are young people specializing more, but they are also children of the world wide web. This means that they are adept at using the internet and new technology and innovation that comes with it.

The most visible way that technology has affected the recruitment process is in attracting talent. Social media has made a big difference in how potential employees interact with organizations and find new jobs. For example, LinkedIn is a social media platform that is geared towards networking and finding professional opportunities.

So how can you attract these tech-savvy young people? Organizations run by young people have also stepped up to bridge the gap between companies and young leaders in order to improve youth employability.

Collaboration is key

The workplace in the 21st century is a lot more collaborative than before. Not only do high growth organizations today foster collaboration within the organization but they also invest in collaboration across organizational lines.

The rise of collaboration platforms like Slack, designed originally to cut the use of work email, have made collaboration easier than ever. This comes with an added benefit: studies show that companies that use Slack to collaborate have a 32% higher productivity rate.

In the 21st century, we have seen the rise of multi-sector partnerships. From corporations partnering with NGOs to tackle world issues to the private and public sectors working together to find technological solutions to better daily life, multi-sector partnerships are on the rise.

In conclusion, it is crucial to realize that technology on its own does not change anything; it is how the technology is used that makes the difference. If you want to use technology effectively, you should use it consciously to achieve a certain goal.


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