How to fill all your open positions through employer branding

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Imagine that you currently have open positions within your company and you are searching for the best candidates. How will you be able to find them and fill all the positions? One great way is to make use of employer branding to get the right candidates and to fill all the positions. According to Universum, an employer branding organization, employer branding is ‘the process of promoting a company, or an organization, as the employer of choice to the desired target group, one which a company needs and wants to recruit and retain.’

This definition helps to explain why companies use this method to gain the right employees for their workforce. Employer branding works as a mental map in potential employees. They, potential employees, are able to place your company in their mind according to their needs and how attractive it is to work for. This is why it’s important to focus on employer branding. In this blog post we will explain how you can use employer branding to fill all your open positions.

1. Know your value proposition

First things first, you need to know what are your company’s values. In addition, you need to have a clear understanding of your company culture. Knowing both of these creates the value proposition you need to be able to attract the talent you want in the company. Finding out your values and culture needs research of your organization. You will need to answer questions such as:What does our current employer brand say about us to prospective candidates?’ or ‘What types of candidates do we want to attract?’. These questions help you to better understand how best you can use employer branding to your advantage. You will be able to not only understand more about your company but also how best you can leverage yourself to be attractive to potential employees.

2. Define your company’s message

After you know about your values it’s essential to have a message that can translate this to potential employees. Align what you know about what your company does to the candidates so there is a consistent message of what you do and how your culture and values are. This gives them a clear picture of what to expect from you when they are working in the company. Be sure to be as transparent as possible and not give a false image of your company so that expectations are met.

3. Embrace technology

Technology is now playing a crucial part in our everyday lives. This is why it’s good to make use of it in order to get the right candidates through employer branding. You should use your internal communication channels to better onboard new recruitees during the induction process. Try to make sure to use technology for them to have a personalized and smooth transition with their first engagement with the company.

4. Reputation

Always try to focus on your reputation as an employer. Having a good reputation adds on to your ‘good points’ as a recruiter. Employer branding is highly connected to reputation. No matter how you might want to seem attractive to potential candidates, if you have a negative reputation it will be difficult to access the right candidates. You will have to work really hard in how you treat your employees and your work culture. Always remember that no reputation is worse than a negative reputation.

If you are looking for opportunities to access employees through employer branding especially with millennials, maybe we can help you.


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