Let’s Inspire Action: The World’s Largest Lesson Take 2

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With the vision of achieving the sustainable development goals one day, the first World’s Largest Lesson by AIESEC was delivered. The borders couldn’t stop them. The language barriers couldn’t interfere. Neither did lack of experience hindered quality and confidence.

The delegates of the International Congress 2017, last year, gathered more than 2000 commitments of students in Cartagena where they established their contribution towards different issues connected to the Global Goals.

Yeison Fabra, a student participant, wrote:

“My commitment is to grow up and become a professional baseball player. Study in a huge university. Find a beautiful woman because of her personality, get my family out of poverty.


With every small step towards making a difference comes an impact that lasts forever. As AIESEC, we are committed to mobilize people to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. A small step we take towards the impact is our Youth 4 Global Goals initiative.

Youth4GG also implements the hosting of the World’s Largest Lesson which is an initiative created by Project Everyone and UNICEF and will today be run by the Asia Pacific Conference Delegates of 2018.

World’s Largest Lesson:

It is an action step that educates young people and children about Global Goals. It encourages them to become the generation that are leaders, aspirants and change makers. Volunteers engage and interact with the children and share their experiences in order to instill the idea of sustainability in the children so that it inspires action.

The lesson in Cartagena:

Last year on July 12th, 2017 we mobilized 600 young leaders to deliver World’s Largest Lesson in different schools and foundations of Cartagena, Colombia where 100 workshops were delivered and 2751 students were impacted.


The Lesson in Colombo:

Keeping pace with the initiative, today on March 20th, 2018 we look forward to deliver our second World’s Largest Lesson in Colombo, Sri Lanka followed by Youth Speak Forum– a premiere event that inspires conversations around pressing global issues, within an unique format of Inspire, Engage & Act.

300 delegates from 23 different countries of the Asia Pacific region along with volunteers from AIESEC in Sri Lanka will deliver the lessons in about 50 classrooms to a bunch of 1500 young students.




The Purpose:

The WLL is delivered in order to create awareness in the students of the schools about their role as global citizens by understanding the Global Goals as a way to contribute for a better local reality and encourage their civic competences.

WLL focuses on the need to educate every child that that the world can be changed, that a difference can be made in the way we live, in the way this world runs and that the sustainable development goals can all be achieved. And only they can bring about this change.

The series of impact making will continue as long as there are leaders who want the world to be a better place. And don’t we all?

The AIESEC global pages will showcase the World’s Largest Lesson in Sri Lanka throughout the day and we call for you to be a part of this movement.

When are you making another Yeison Fabra commit to the global goals?

Go to aiesec.org to learn how to inspire action yourself.


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