The importance of female leaders

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Ladies, let’s get in formation!

It’s 2018 and we still need to talk about gender equality.
And not just talk, but act on the cause!

Research shows that men dominate almost every sector of economics when it comes to leadership. The big CEOs, head chiefs, the final responsibles are mostly males. This is most significant in the business sector, with women making up only 6% of FTSE 100 chief executives*.

And why is this a problem?

Just think about your first job experience.
There was a person you always followed; a person you looked up to; a person you’ve learnt from. This person was your supervisior, manager, boss, whatever you call it – a role model.

But girls need female role models!

Having a woman in high position might encourage other female workers to strive for promotion, because it would be seen as a realistic goal. „If she made it, I can make it, too.”
The world needs more leaders; not necessary female, but promoters of equality. We need to develop leadership in youth that have the power of the future. How do we achieve this?

Show your example!
Let the world know that women can travel, women can take on challenging jobs, even in other countries, we can change the world!

Take the next step; #LiveTheExperience to impact!


*(research conducted in Britain)


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